My Research topic: Comparing the USA vs. Iceland and discussing crime rates, sec

May 14, 2024

My Research topic: Comparing the USA vs. Iceland and discussing crime rates, security, mental health, gun laws, and incarcerated treatment.  Take note: Iceland only has around 383,000 people, known for its low crime rates. you can Discuss how the US handles crime and discuss laws and political ideologies, culture, etc. 
Articulate a research question or
topic, discuss findings from your research, and include some comparison in your analysis. Your
paper should present evidence drawn from authoritative sources (either primary or secondary),
show depth of analysis, and be logically defensible.
Research Paper : 2500 words and 9 citations (no wikipedia or journals)
Your final paper should be 8-10 pages in
standard formatting (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point
font such as Times New Roman).
Note that this page range includes the title page and
bibliography. Your final paper will need to
include the following:
 A title page;
 Well-developed introductory paragraph explaining the
research topic and comparative
cases, the topic’s significance, and briefly referencing
some of the main points and
findings offered in the paper;
 The body of the research paper should consist of each of
the following:
o An overview of your research topic – including relevant
history, existing research
on the topic, and any debates;
o Discussion of your comparative cases and why they are
comparable as well as
why they might not be comparable;
o Discussion of your research findings
 A concise concluding paragraph that briefly restates both
the purpose of the research
paper as well as some of your central findings. Be sure the
concluding paragraph does
not introduce new information;
 List of all sources consulted the preparation of the
research paper. The final product
should include at least 10 relevant outside sources. Aim at
a minimum for credible
sources and also try to work with scholarly sources when
possible. The essay and the list
of references should be formatted according to APA-style
other standard citation format, such as MLA).
 Incorporate at least two relevant course concepts in your
final paper and reference
course materials (including readings, discussion threads, etc.)
as appropriate.

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