My capStone Is Nike. I will need PowerPoint slides. It has to be at least 20 sli

April 29, 2024

My capStone Is Nike. I will need PowerPoint slides. It has to be at least 20 slides that include References I will also need the Excel sheet included.
For this assignment, consider that you are hired as a consultant by your Capstone company, Client Company or Client from here on. Your Client Company is seeking help to analyze its performance using ”stock market and financial reporting data” in addition to any other information your research turns up to help strengthen the analysis. The final deliverable to submit to your client will be a complete SWOT analysis that will help the company better identify the best path forward to strengthen its market presence and performance.
This assignment is designed to meet class objectives and help you prepare your SWOT analysis for your Capstone Project. You will be expected to use/apply the tools and techniques you have learned in this program thus far. For additional details, see the archives for Week 4 Live Session recording. 
Part 1. Obtain the Data
For your Client Company, look for the following datasets:
1- Stock market and financial reporting data for the last 2 years – similar to what you did in Week 3
2- Look for other Client-related data or information that may help you find trends and patterns to gain a better understanding of your Client’s performance. Here are some examples:
Client introducing/upgrading/canceling products coinciding with their stock price increase/decrease.
Political events that affected the Client’s market performance.
Effect of pandemics like COVID-19 on your Client company.
Correlating the information with the performance of your Client Company could yield valuable information about the company.
Part 2. The Mission
1. What is the value of the data? A list of some articles on the topic is provided below “Part 3”. There are plenty of articles on the web that you are welcome to use for your research. The intent is to show a general understanding of the topic and the rationale behind your argument. Here are some articles to get you started: 
The Hidden Costs of Big Data
How much does a data breach cost? 
The Price You Pay for Poor Data Quality
2. Select the relevant features of the data. (Data Patterns) What variables change the outcome the most? (Data Trends)
3. Is clustering appropriate? (Data Clustering) How are the data associated? (Data Association)
4. Are correlations Spatial, Temporal or Coincidental? Identify the correlations.
5. How can social network analysis be used to improve understanding? Check social networks for relevant text and see what, if anything, can be learned.
6. What trends emerge? How can they be capitalized upon or optimized? What resources would be needed? What would the costs be? Is it worth it to optimize them? (Optimization & Risk Reduction)
7. Where do you see this data going in the next week? Next month, Next year? How does your trend analysis support this?
Part 3. Client SWOT Analysis
Based on your analysis of the data collected for this assignment, perform a SWOT analysis on your Client Company identifying the possible elements and the rationale.
Using brief sentences and/or bullet points, be sure to include a brief reflection on the elements of your SWOT Analysis that addresses the following prompts:
• Opportunities: Which specific opportunities, identified through your research of your Client’s stock market and financial data, would you recommend they pursue and why?
• Strengths: How would you suggest your Client leverage the specific strengths you identified to pursue these opportunities and how?
• Weaknesses: While your Client pursues the opportunities you identified; what steps would you recommend they take to overcome the specific weaknesses you identified through your research?
• Threats: While your Client pursues the opportunities you identified, how would you recommend they defend or protect themselves against the specific threats you identified through your research?
Here is the definition of SWOT from Wikipedia: Strengths and weaknesses are frequently internally related, while opportunities and threats commonly focus on the external environment. The name is an acronym for the four parameters the technique examines:
• Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others.
• Weaknesses: characteristics of the business that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others.
• Opportunities: elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit to its advantage.
• Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.
Use this link to read the full article on Wikipedia:
What is the value of your data?
There are many articles, documents, blogs and websites that discuss the value of data in some detail. Any simple web search will turn into an exhausting list of these sites. Here is a list of good articles on the topic which you are welcome to go beyond:
This assignment is due on Sunday 11:59 pm EST/EDT.
You are to create a technical Apresentation (PowerPoint). Your production must be graphical, professional, fun, interesting and engaging — befitting of graduate-level BI quality. Imagine that your production is to be used in an important client meeting — sealing or breaking a very lucrative business contract. Use the following guidelines to produce your presentation:
Do not crowd the slides with paragraph-like text (use bullets). Please use business and formal English.
Use as many pattern-related and recognition-related visualizations as possible in your production (thereby effective audio explaining your concepts can really help!).
Do not use stock or generic images.
Given the short duration of the presentation, any graphics you use should be analytical visualizations created by you using MS Power BI.
A good slide should have well-balanced images and text.
Make your production state-of-the-art and as flashy as possible! 
Stay within 7 minutes. 
You are to submit the following items:
a minimum of 20 slides/scenes. 
Your original PowerPoint.
All data analysis and visuals
An Excel spreadsheet containing other calculations.
To receive a grade, please MAKE double sure your files (no weird formats) and that your link is fully accessible (public or shared). Any submission with inaccessible files/links will receive a zero. 
Grading Criteria
This activity will be graded using the rubric below. To earn full credit, your submission must address ALL of the questions or challenges and demonstrate scholarly writing/application of the course materials (textbook, research, visualizations, media, etc.). Submissions should be detailed and in-depth with sufficient technical details (i.e. not mere superficial regurgitation or definitions), demonstrating knowledge of the course materials in real-life applications. Writings must be clear, organized and include proper spelling and grammar (Rubrics section in Welcome to PTR Module). 

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