Music & Movement- Lesson Plan  30 points:  Note: No video demonstration is requi

April 28, 2024

Music & Movement- Lesson Plan  30 points: 
Note: No video demonstration is required for this assignment.
Write a lesson plan with music and movement activities for children. This must be a participation activity for children. A child should be able to participate by making instruments, playing real instruments, singing songs, participating in movement activities, and/or dancing. 
Complete the following typewritten assignment:
Name, date, and activity title.
Description of the activity: How will you set up your materials? What will the children do in the activity?
Primary Goals of Music and Movement: See your textbook
Children’s Book- List three books you could read to the children. The books should be related to your activities.
Write three open-ended questions you could ask a child during the process of the activity.
Materials/Equipment: List all of the materials or equipment needed to complete the activity. Instruments, songs, props, etc.
Developmental Domain Goals & Objectives: Objectives should include examples based on your topic, materials, and activities.  You can use the objectives from your textbook or you can use other resource charts such as the DRDP 2015-MeasuresLinks to an external site. or Teaching Strategies 38 Objectives.Links to an external site. Only choose the objectives that apply to your activity. What would the children be able to do or the skills they could possibly achieve from participating in your activity. Write those objectives along with your examples on your lesson plan.
Adaptations/Modifications: Provide two suggestions to help children with special needs participate successfully.

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