Module 4 Interactivity Assignment is to review two different case studies and wr

June 30, 2024

Module 4 Interactivity Assignment is to review two different case studies and writer five pages on each of them relating them to the content from this week. Please see case study attatchments and power point to gather the needed information. Each Case study will need its own title page and references – all on one document. 
Part One of the assignment. 
Read the “Myomo: Getting Sales in Motion” case study”  ▪ Evaluate Myomo’s sales model  based on the eight bolded elements in the diagram in the powerpoint the Sales Preformance Management Process. Evaluate using as many core chapter concepts and terms as possible.
▪ Your paper must be five pages of content in APA format. Each of the eight bolded
elements must be a  in your paper. All of the content must be in your own words. 
Part two of the assignment.
Read the “Sales Force Integration at FedEx (A)” case study .
▪ Evaluate FedEx based on the eight bolded elements in the diagram  in the powerpoint the Sales Preformance Management Process. Evaluate using as many core chapter concepts and terms as
▪ Your paper must be five pages of content in APA format. Each of the eight bolded
elements must be in your paper. All of the content must be in your own words.
You must include a cover sheet for each Module Exercise in this group of documents
(this is document two). Your entire paper must follow APA formatting.   

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