Module 4-1 assignment Genogram information. Please use your interview family for

August 26, 2024

Module 4-1 assignment Genogram information. Please use your interview family for this assignment.
Create a Genogram of the family you interviewed.
This Genogram will include family dynamics, what is important to your family, and a health history.

Explore the developmental characteristics of the family as a unit across the lifespan.
Examine health patterns and practices transmitted across generations.

Key Information to include:
•All members of the interview family, starting with grandparents, must be included. Must include first names and identifying years (birth, death, marriage, separation, divorce, abortion, miscarriage, etc.)
•Must include tracking of family dynamics (Special closeness, distance, hostility, cut-offs, etc.)
•Must include alcohol/drug issues and mental health issues (diagnosis)
•Must include physical health issues (diabetes, obesity, cancer etc.)

Please Note:
My patient teaching plan-specific physical health issue is Obesity.

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