Many things in nature, also used in one’s daily life, the medical field, and/or

May 18, 2024

Many things in nature, also used in one’s daily life, the medical field, and/or industry, are compounds that contain polyatomic ions. Visit Polyatomic IonsLinks to an external site. and read about what the characteristics of a polyatomic ion are and how useful they are in everyday life.
Look in the readings this week (your book or papers) or refer to your experience, and identify a compound that is particularly interesting to you. Include the following in your initial response:
The formula
The name
The use
Where it comes from (if it can be found in nature)
What makes this compound interesting?
Avoid selecting compounds already covered by your classmates and as you respond to at least two of your peers, consider reviewing the response from someone who chose a different compound.

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