Make sure the overall format is 1-inch margin all around and 12-point font in Ti

April 23, 2024

Make sure the overall format is 1-inch margin all around and 12-point font in Times New Roman Style. In addition, remember this is a formal Paper, so avoid I, My, Mine, etc wordings, … in the first half of the paper (literature review, and theory/hypothesis sections). Instead, write in third person format such as They, He, she..this paper proposes, and so on…also in the literature review, cite and cite-especially when mention they/he/she/study/researchers/writers/etc.. cite in parenthesis.. all authors!… and anytime mentioning quotes-do not forget the page number(s)
Avoid using abbreviated terminology such as can’t or don’t, instead spell or write them out like do not or cannot; again, this is a formal paper.
Again, I am repeating this-Make sure to cite sources often in the literature review, do not just put he or she, they, the study or research found/wrote without citations because you are dealing with multiple sources within sentences body/paragraphs…. (always cite within the sentence body or cite at the end of sentence with authors’ last names..year of publication, {and page number if quoting})…
If citing an author(s) for the first time in sentence body, cite full names and ALL OF THEM if dealing with multiple authors along with year of publication..afterwards/subsequently cite last names of all authors and year of publication…
USE quotes sparingly (LITTLE AS POSSIBLE, like less than 3 quotes per page, and do not make them long).. rather I prefer you to paraphrase in your own words what the author(s) conveying and cite them in parenthetical citations or in body sentence.. remember it is best to cite often within a Literature review section even if repeatedly mentioning them!
questions 1 and 11 will go at beginning of literature review section. questions 2 and 3 are theory and hypothesis that goes into the theory/hypothesis section the paper. questions 4-10 will go into the analysis section also including a second hypothesis of the control maybe, mention what kind of statistical regression would like to run, although you will not be running any experiments/will not be any interpretation of data, follow the analysis section from the official sample paper…). the literature review goes in the literature review section as have to modify in essay style if haven’t done so and the references go at the end under references page in final.
will mention what dataset you may want to use and then pick two concepts/variables (the Independent labeled as X1 and the Dependent labeled as Y) that you think may have a direct covariance with one another and lead the research.
Question 1- 11
What research question would you propose to study? Must be based on those two variables: X1 and Y.
What kind of theory can you propose as an answer to your question (Again, based on the above variables, should be a paragraph or longer (about half page or more)/explain both sides/perspectives in your own words, do not use outside sources)?
What operational hypothesis would you propose to study based on the above two variables (Hint-use directional covariance wordings like more than, less than, etc.., and the statement should indicate directional movement that is no more than 2-3 sentences)?
What is the direction of your proposed relationship (Hint- based on the directional covariance wordings you mention in your above hypothesis statement)? Is it Positive (move together whether upward or downward) or Negative (move in opposing/reverse direction)?
How would it be defined or measured? Meaning, anticipate the X/X1 variable’s definitional codings/categories by giving me numeral coding and break downs of each category
What would be the appropriate level of measurement of your above X or X1 variable? The options to choose from are: Nominal, Ordinal, Dichotomous Ordinal, or Interval/Ratio?
How would it be defined or measured? Meaning, show me how you would think the Y variable’s definitional codings/categories would be structured like
What would be the appropriate level of measurement of your above Y variable? The options to choose from are: Nominal, Ordinal, Dichotomous Ordinal, or Interval/Ratio?
What is your unit of analysis (Hint- the targeted population to observe the variables in action, like is it people/individuals or countries)?
Label the variables underneath the symbols, providing me a visual graph of the potential direct original causal relationship.
Also, choose another variable that you would pick and label as X2 (also termed as the control variable similar to a placebo) within the same dataset of X1 and Y to see if it (X2-the control) could potentially affect the directional covariance between the Independent (X/X1) and Dependent (Y) leading to interactive or spurious outcomes, which you hope will not happen.
What dataset would you like to use in order collect and/or run experiments on such observations to establish whether a directional, interactive, or spurious outcome will result?
Give me a reason why it is important to inquire and observe or explore this predictive relationship, how is it relevant to any field of study, whether sociological, political, economical, and more?
*I would attach the literature review I did.*
The Conclusion section will be a short summary of expectations , disappointments, what you learned, or hoped will happen in the future etc..
ORDERING: cover title page, literature Review subheading/section (5 pages min length REQUIRED for this section and must use scholarly sources), Theory/Hypothesis subheading/section (.5-1 page), analysis subheading/section (.5-1 page), Conclusion subheading/section (.5-1 page), and References page (8 min. scholarly sources put in alphabetical ordering and in APA/APSA format). Overall total length of final paper could range from 7 or more pages

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