Make a personal commitment to ethical behavior. As eithical educators, we must e

July 4, 2024

Make a personal commitment to ethical behavior. As eithical educators, we must examineour attitudes, roles, outlooks, and activities and see how they are affecting our professionalimage as well as our colleagues, students, and their families. 
Include in the Essay:
-Overview of Free Speach and Off-Duty Behavior as it pertains to the role of all educators.
-Describe potential grey areas using legal considerations and consequences regarding     the right to Free Speech and the right to choose Off-Duty Behavior as it pertains to the roleas an educator.
-Argue for or against the right to choose Off-Duty Behavior as it pertains to your role as aneducator.
-Articulate a personal commitment summary to ethical behavior by examining your          attitudes, roles, outlooks, and activities to determine how they affect your professional         image.

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