Major projects in this class will typically involve applying concepts we learn i

May 2, 2024

Major projects in this class will typically involve applying concepts we learn in current and previous modules. It is important that you start these projects as early as possible in the week. The earlier you start, the more opportunity you have to ask questions if something is unclear. The project is worth 50 points and will require more time than other assignments. Let’s get started early!
Many of you have shared that time management is a challenge. The Time Management Portfolio you are working on this week is interactive and will require that you watch videos and take brief assessments. I encourage you to really reflect and use the tools from this module to complete this project.
Label every question. Answers should be detailed, reflect critical thinking skills, and be a paragraph in length for each question.
PART 1: Identify Your Time Management Style
For the first part of this project, refer to the presentation in the module on Online Study Skills and Managing Time. Read the description of each category and identify your style. Once you have identified your style, answer the following questions in at least a paragraph for your time management style and a paragraph for your time wasters. Be detailed and provide descriptions and examples – label each prompt.
Prompt 1: Time Management Style
What is your time management style? Why did you identify with this style?
Is your current style working for you? Why or why not? Explain. Provide at least one specific example.
Answer all questions in one paragraph.
Prompt 2: Time Wasters
Look at the list below, identify your top 3 time-wasters, and list them:
Hanging out with friends
Talking on the phone
Listening to music
Watching TV
Video games
Not being able to say no
Going on social media
Is your time waster not listed? It could be anything that distracts you from getting important things done. List others, if applicable.
Which time-waster has the most negative consequences on your time? Be specific and detailed in your response.
Are you willing to reduce the time you waste on this activity? What could you do instead of wasting your time on a particular activity?
Answer all questions in one paragraph.
PART 2: What Does Your Schedule Look Like?
Fill out a weekly schedule. Go ahead and list everything – your current work schedule, school schedule, when you typically study, responsibilities, or anything else you do with your time. Be honest and detailed! Fill in ALL blocks on your form. You will upload this schedule along with your project.
Pick the format:
Weekly Schedule (Word Document)
Weekly Schedule (PDF) (you need a free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC download to fill out this form). Make sure to download and save the form first. Then complete it and save it again.
PART 3: What are your Priorities?
In the Big Rocks story, your big rocks are your most important tasks or priorities (things like family, friends, school, and work). The smaller rocks might be necessary for things like eating, errands, etc. The tiny pebbles are things like socializing, going on Instagram, or watching TV.
The often non-urgent tasks can get in the way of completing what is important if we do not prioritize our tasks. Do you feel like you are constantly putting out fires, pulling all-nighters to finish an assignment, or rushing to appointments? This can be stressful! You are also less likely to produce your best work.
Ask yourself: What are my Big Rocks? Smaller Rocks? Pebbles?
Watch this video on putting important things first and then answer the questions beneath the video:
Demonstrating critical thinking, answer the following questions in a detailed paragraph for each Prompt (label each Prompt):
Prompt 1: What is important to you? What are your Big Rocks? Smaller Rocks? Pebbles? Be detailed and specific. Answer should be 1 paragraph in length.
Prompt 2: Go back to the weekly schedule you filled out in Part 2 and discuss whether the way you spend your time currently reflects those priorities? Why or why not? Be detailed and specific. Answer should be 1 paragraph in length.
Prompt 3: Looking back on the weekly schedule you created in Part 2, do you spend the recommended time studying? Make sure that you calculate the number of hours you should be studying and compare it to the number of hours you are actually studying.
(For a 16-week online course, you can multiply the units by 3 to get the number of hours you should be studying for the course. For example, if you are enrolled in 12-units of online courses, you should be studying at least 36 hours a week studying. For 6-week (winter/summer) online courses, you can multiply the units by 9 to get the number of hours you should be studying for the course. For example, for a 3-unit, 6-week online course, you should study 27 hours a week.)
Be detailed and specific. Answer should be 1 paragraph in length.
Prompt 4: Are you a student who wants to genuinely learn course material and good grades are just a by-product or are grades all that matter to you? Explain why each is important to you. Be detailed and specific. Answer should be 1 paragraph in length.
Prompt 5: What drives you as a student? Why are you in college? How does being in college help you achieve your long-term or short-term goals? Be detailed and specific. Answer should be 1 paragraph in length.
PART 4: Time Management and Goal Setting
A quick review of S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting:
Answer the following questions in detailed paragraphs demonstrating critical thinking – label each question:
Set a goal for the upcoming week, using the SMART goal-setting method. Identify two steps you will take related to time management to achieve this goal. What will you do to make time for this goal? Be detailed and specific.
Set a goal for the upcoming month, using the SMART goal-setting method. Identify two steps you will take related to time management to achieve this goal. What will you do to make time for this goal? Be detailed and specific.
Set a goal for the upcoming year, using the SMART goal-setting method. Identify two steps you will take related to time management to achieve this goal. What will you do to make time for this goal? Be detailed and specific.
PART 5: Reflection on Time Management
Let’s bring this all together and go into action.
Answer the following questions in detailed paragraphs demonstrating critical thinking – label each question:
Think back to the module, which is one time management tool or strategy that you are willing to try to improve your time management and study skills. For example, the Pomodoro Method, creating a To-Do list, using a planner, using an app to organize yourself, etc. How will this tool help you?
What did you learn about yourself as it relates to this module and/or project? What did this project confirm that you already knew?
Once you are done, upload:
Your weekly schedule
Your paper with each section (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5) and every question labeled. Your paper can be in Word or PDF. If you created it on Google Docs, you have to convert it to Word or PDF – if you are unsure how to do this, please look at the “Additional Resources” below.
Make sure that you combine your weekly schedule and responses to all the questions into ONE file.
Questions? Do not hesitate to ask me!
Refer to the rubric below for detailed grading.
Remember, late work is not accepted. I encourage you to get started earlier in the week and contact me if you have any questions!
Additional Resources
How to submit an assignment on Canvas
How to submit multiple files for an assignment on Canvas
How to Check Your Submission
To avoid any issues with uploading assignments, make sure to upload them through one of the following formats:
Microsoft Word : .doc / .docx
Adobe PDF
If you are using Apple Pages, make sure to convert the file to one of the above formats before uploading. You can typically do that when you go to “Save As” in the File menu. You can also create Microsoft Word documents on your Google Drive through your SMC student Gmail by using Google Docs. I do not accept assignments in any other format. You can also view this video to guide you as well:
If you have any difficulties uploading, I expect you to contact me as soon as possible so that you may get full credit for your assignment.

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