M1 Discussion: Job Attitudes, Emotions, and Moods Subscribe For this discussion,

July 5, 2024

M1 Discussion: Job Attitudes, Emotions, and Moods
For this discussion, kindly answer the following:
Think about an event, or work experience, where you were satisfied or unsatisfied (or committed or not committed) in the workplace. What led you to your feelings of satisfaction and commitment, or lack thereof, in that moment? What was the outcome? What concepts from the readings apply to these feelings?
Think about an event, or work experience, where you found your emotions or mood changing. How did you regulate your emotions? What was the outcome? What concepts or theories from the readings apply to your emotions or moods?
Do you agree or disagree with the point that emotions at work are becoming more accepted in the workplace and can have a positive impact? Why? Explain.
Make sure you cite concepts and theories from the readings using the APA citation format to support your responses. Please start one thread of your own and respond to at least two others.

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