Literature Research Paper Content Hello Students, Your Literature Review Paper #

June 27, 2024

Literature Research Paper Content
Hello Students,
Your Literature Review Paper #1 is a crucial part of your final grade, with the potential to earn you up to 20 points. Failing to submit Paper #1 will result in a decrease of your total score, leading to a drop of two letter grades in your final grade.
When writing your Literature Review Research Paper, it’s important to stick to the APA Writing Guidelines. These guidelines are provided in the document above and must be followed. The paper must include information from a minimum of three journals sourced from the Florida National University (FNU) Library Database of Journals (LIRN). While you can use additional sources, make sure to include information from at least three journals available in the FNU Library Database.
You have the freedom to choose any subtitle from any chapter of the course textbook as the topic for your paper. However, it’s not necessary to cover the entire chapter; you can choose a subsection that you find most interesting or best understand.
It’s crucial to submit the Literature Review Paper as a Word Document. Any non-compliant submissions will not be graded, potentially leading to a loss of earned points.
Before uploading your paper, it’s advisable to have it reviewed at the FNU Writing Laboratory to ensure compliance with all requirements.
Remember, you only have one chance to upload the paper. Therefore, make sure it meets the APA Writing Guidelines, the instructions provided in the document above, and the instructor’s guidelines to avoid any deductions.
The paper must consist of a minimum of seven pages, structured as follows:
– Page #1: Title page
– Page #2: Abstract page
– Pages #3, #4, and #5 (minimum): Body Narrative pages
– Page #6: Conclusion page
– Page #7: References page

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