Learning Goal: How does a director create their own unique style? What makes an

July 10, 2024

Learning Goal:
How does a director create their own unique style? What makes an auteur? If style is the repeated, noticeable use of cinematic techniques, how can we describe Wes Anderson’s unique vision? This assignment asks you to determine the stylistic, narrative and thematic concerns in this film, and evaluate an auteur’s work based on that criteria.
Answer all of the following prompts:
What genre(s) would you put The Grand Budapest Hotel in? Remember that there can be genre hybrids, so this film may fit in more than one genre. (5 points).
What stylistic conventions, narrative organization, iconography or themes led you to place the film in this genre? (5 points)
What stylistic patterns stood out to you when watching this film? Remember that style is the repeated use of noticeable techniques. How did the director use the four stylistic elements (mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound) to present the narrative? Use three specific examples from the film in your analysis (5 points for each example).= total 15 points
How to Complete Your Assignment
Submit your work here in the Canvas system as a .docx, .doc, or .pdf file.
*** Attach your response as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf to submit the assignment
Directions to Submit
On the right hand Menu, you will see a Submit Assignment button with a white plus sign.
Click on the Submit Assignment. Then click Browse to look for your file on your computer.
When done, click the Submit Assignment button.
General writing assignment guidelines:
Your response should be at least 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point font (do not include the date, my name, the class number, etc.).
Attach your response as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf to submit the assignment.
Write in your own words (the assignments will go through SimCheck, a service that detects plagiarism).
Your reflection should address topics below. They should not be merely a re-hash of the movie’s plot. This is your chance to discuss your observations, reactions and insight about the film.
All assignments must be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Reports will be marked down if they don’t meet page length requirement.
Movie titles go in italics (not quotes, not bold).
No late reports will be accepted.
The Rubric for how the points will be distributed is included is below.
You are not required to use vocabulary from this week’s reading for grading purposes of this assignment.

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