Latin Dance & Hip Hop are the topics HONOR IN ONE STYLE OF EACH TOPIC  Students

May 6, 2024

Latin Dance & Hip Hop are the topics HONOR IN ONE STYLE OF EACH TOPIC 
Students will write a comparative analysis examining two genre specific dance styles. Students will critically review culture’s influence of the dance, aesthetic movement, social and political or religious influence and perceptions, and wardrobe/costuming. Research a genre/type of dance that we have not covered in detail during this course. As a class, we’ve been using dance as a lens to see behaviors, values, trends, and events throughout time. This should be your objective as you write about your chosen dance genres! 
Research the origins and evolution of the dance form, then compare and contrast: 
How, where, and when it began, as well as its progression over time?
The culture associated with it- how does it reflect the culture and the people who started it?
Details of the dance:
What are the qualities that make this dance form unite?
What does the dance look like?
What music/costumes/setting/traditions accompany and support it? (it would be a great idea to view videos on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. and describe what you observe- be sure to include these video links in your bibliography!!!)
Anything else you think is important and/or interesting about these dance forms. 
What are the similarities and differences within these dance forms? 
Consider their origin, tradition, etc 
Consider the costume
Consider the movement 
Consider the music
How is it performed? (outdoors or indoors, in pairs, group, or solo? etc.)
Why did you choose these dance form and how does it relate to you personally? Talk about you and these dance forms! 
How do these dance forms impact you? Draw your own analysis on how you relate to dance in your own personal beliefs or viewpoints. 
Write a 3-4 page research paper on an origin of dance genre of your choice. Please submit it typed, double space, MLA format, 12 point font, and works cited page (not included in the page count). 
Don’t assume that the reader/professor knows or understands the dance forms you chose. Explain everything!  
There is a minimum of 5 credible sources. Please use credible sources. Websites like Wikipedia are not acceptable. I strongly encourage you to use online sources such as books, articles, and journals from the Library.Links to an external site.
*Please write in MLA format and include a bibliography/works cited with sources used. 
*All submissions should be written in a word document/pdf and attached via “file upload” only.
*Google documents will not be accepted
Here is a checklist that you can make sure your paper meets criteria. Ask yourself if your paper meet each of these items on the checklist
Overall Requirements and Formatting
12 point font
Double spaced
Used proper MLA format Links to an external site.
Proper length of 3-4 pages
Used 5 credible sources
Works Cited at the end of the paper with the 5 credible sources you utilized – Not counted as part of page count
Proof-read the paper for wording of sentence structure
PDF or word document submissions only will be accepted 
Body of the Essay 
Each prompt is answered and addressed in the paper
In-text citations are properly quoted within the essay
The paper is written in your own words and not taken word for word from the sources
Either put quotation marks or italicize each title of choreography, if listed or named
Stay consistent in the tense of verbiage throughout. Is it present tense or past tense? 
Introductory and concluding paragraph for the paper 
There is a clear flow and reads easily. Is it well-ordered and well-organized? 
There are no spelling errors
Using full length sentences
Punctuation is correct

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