Kevin Whalling, Chief Counsel for the Whalling Law Group, PLLC must go to crimin

June 16, 2024

Kevin Whalling, Chief Counsel for the Whalling Law Group, PLLC must go to criminal court on behalf of Clara Johnson. Clara is 32 years old and has been accused of battery; however, Clara suffers from a mental disability that effectively makes her have the mental acuity of a 5-year-old child. Mr. Whalling intends to argue that Clara is incompetent to stand trial.
Because Mr. Whalling normally practices property and maritime law, he would like you to prepare a Memorandum of Law addressing competency.
Remember that this is an internal memorandum for Mr. Whalling; while his job is to support Clara Johnson, you can provide an objective analysis concerning competency.
Use the attached file to write a Memorandum of Understanding of 500 to 750 words. Follow the prompts within brackets in the template to complete the assignment.
Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content using only government/legal websites
Cite your sources in the legal memorandum (case law, etc.), using APA formatting and create a separate document for citations.

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