Just so you know, you only need to write for the topic based on the Powerpoint I

May 6, 2024

Just so you know, you only need to write for the topic based on the Powerpoint I uploaded. Please provide some charts or quantitative things in the writing. Here are further requirements: For each topic area the following sections are required: Current Situation, Analysis, Problem Identification, and Recommendation. The Analysis section should employ the tools taught in the textbook and the class. ▪ Tie everything to the class content including the textbook readings. Everything you say should explicitly tie to the supply chain management concepts we have studied in class and in the textbook. Do not use generic business frameworks like SWOT or PESTLE analysis. ▪ Demonstrate mastery of quantitative methods learned in the course. Alltext, 100% qualitative reports are not sufficient. ▪ Label all charts, tables, and diagrams with titles, units of measure, etc. so there is no ambiguity about what is being displayed. ▪ Include a cover page including full course information and the names of the group members, the date and the professor; Table of Contents with course info, etc.; and include page numbers on all the pages. ▪ Attribute all ideas that are not your own. Do not plagiarize. Put complete citations (footnotes) adjacent to or immediately below the related text, chart, or other content, and hyperlink web sources. Be specific enough for the reader to locate the source. A list of references at the end of a document is insufficient. 

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