Jun 29 – Jul 17 Read the documents Leadership Lessons from the Shackleton Expedi

July 1, 2024

Jun 29 – Jul 17
Read the documents Leadership Lessons from the Shackleton Expedition and Shackleton – Interview with Author. The articles speak of both managing and leading.
Why was he a leader or a manager? Do you think it is possible to be both? Why or why not? What are the lessons learned from these two documents that you can use in your role as a leader? How will you incorporate at least one of these lessons beginning today?
Provide relevant evidence from the textbook or from other sources to support your ideas. (Please note: Wikipedia is NOT a legitimate resource for academic purposes.) Please target 200-300 words, no more than 350. Make sure you provide in-line text, no attachments. This will be graded against the Rubric for article reviews.
You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads. Cite and add references. 

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