I’ve posted below some select sources I’d like you to find a way to integrate. 

June 23, 2024

I’ve posted below some select sources I’d like you to find a way to integrate.  You don’t have to use them all, but if I can imagine a way your paper might gain depth or power by doing so and you don’t, I might judge your familiarity with the sources and use of them to be inadequate.  You also may research and use additional material. 
Wilfred Owen was killed in the last week of World War I. His parents were notified as the bells rang in his hometown announcing the armistice.  He rejected the prevailing cultural cliche about war’s glory. 65 years earlier, that cliche had been expressed in a swashbuckling poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson (“Charge of the Light Brigade”) concerning the slaughter of British calvary in the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_of_the_Light_Brigade). This ideal of combat’s ennobling glory persists today in popular armed forces recruitment ads you might review.  One of my favorites fairly shamelessly borrows from Tom Cruise’s iconic Mission Impossible climb.



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