It is very important for me that every student has a clear understanding of the

April 9, 2024

It is very important for me that every student has a clear understanding of the course requirements. It is for that reason that I share detailed assignment instructions and rubrics that clearly state the outline, submission guidelines, and specific grading criteria at the beginning of the semester. Please ensure that you read it carefully before and during the course of your preparation.
You can also access the information below HERE
Students are required to write a four-page paper (excluding cover page and references) on one of the 15 films provided below that showcases themes related to this course. The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ skills in critically analyzing a movie in the context of contemporary issues related to health and human movement. The paper should be typed, double-spaced, formatted according to APA guidelines (7th edition). The paper should consist of three key sections: i) a brief introduction and description of the film, ii) an in-depth discussion of the key theme(s) presented in the film and their relation to course material, and iii) students’ personal insight on the film. 
Possible Movies (and some of the themes depicted)
A League of Their Own (1992) – gender and sex; women in sport; professional sports
Hoop Dreams (1994) – race; social class; adolescence; intercollegiate sports
Jerry Maguire (1996) – sport and media; aggression; professional sports
Remember the Titans (2000) – race; aggression; social class; high school sports
Hard Ball (2001) – youth sport; social class
Bend it like Beckham (2002) –gender and sex; women in sport
Million Dollar Baby (2004) – gender and sex; social class; disability
Coach Carter (2005) – race; aggression; high school sports
Kicking & Screaming (2005) – youth sport
Glory Road (2006) – race; collegiate sports
The Blind Side (2009) – race; social class
Sliver Linings Playbook (2012) – mental health
Born and Bred (2011) – race and ethnicity; social class; Latino boxing
Concussion (2015) – chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE); media; player safety
Battle of Sexes (2017) – gender equality; sexuality and identity; societal expectations
Evaluation – 20 points
Section 1 – Introduction / Description – 3 points
Provide name, director, key actors of movie. (1)
Provide brief summary of story line. (1)
State key theme(s) related to course that were addressed in the movie. (1)
Section 2 – Discussion of Theme(s) – 10 points (Discretionary)
Describe 2-5 scenarios/scenes/incidents/concepts/characters from the film that relate to your identified theme(s) (e.g., sex/racial discrimination, social class inequities, performance emphasis in youth sport, etc.). Relate each scenario/scene/incident/concept/character to health and human movement material discussed in lecture and other resources. The objective of the paper is not to ‘regurgitate’ lecture notes nor the film plot – but rather to make clear links between the film and course material and provide accurate insight of our current understanding on the topic.
Students will be graded on their insight in choosing appropriate components of the film to discuss, and the clarity, strength, and appropriateness of the links that they make to lecture material. This includes discussion of how the film reflects contemporary societal attitudes towards the identified theme(s) and the ability to draw parallels or differences between the portrayal of the issue(s) in the film and actual societal issues existing today.
All forms of referencing are acceptable including class lectures, class text, internet, newspaper articles, and research studies. If students choose only 2 scenarios/scenes/incidents/concepts/characters from the film, they should make more extensive links with the lecture material. Whether a student chooses 2 or 5 scenarios/scenes/incidents/concepts/characters to discuss, they are expected to make clear and detailed links to lecture material.
Section 3 – Personal Insight – 2 points
Offer your personal insight on the accuracy of the identified theme(s) depicted in the film. Students may use ‘first person’ in this section. (1)
Students will also be graded on whether they provide rationale for their opinion; however, this rationale does not need to be supported with references. (1)
Organization, Presentation, and Writing – 5 points
Organization and Presentation (2)
Structure of the paper is clear (use headings/subheadings formatted to APA guidelines!).
Paragraphs are coherent and transition from one idea to the next is logical.
Consistent APA formatting and presentation throughout.
Writing (3)
Ability to write fluently; there should be congruency between the sections and use of transitional sentences.
Ability to write in a formal, academic style (i.e., no conversational language used).
Correct grammar, punctuation, tense, syntax, and spelling throughout.
Ability to write concisely with appropriate weight to each section. Four maximum pages of text + APA cover page and reference page. Section 1: ~½ page; Section 2: ~3 pages; Section 3: ~½ page. These lengths may vary slightly.
The assignment must be typed (12 pt. font) and double-spaced. Please utilize available resources, if needed (e.g., online resources, CPP Writing Center, instructor(s), classmates, etc.).
In-text citing and referencing is required using APA format (7th edition). The ‘Purdue Owl’ is a great online resource to get started: to an external site.
Class lecture can be included in reference list as: “Lemez, S. (2024). [insert lecture name]. KIN 2290: Contemporary Issues in Health and Human Movement, Cal Poly Pomona, [insert date of lecture].”
APA formatting tips & resources
Read the posted information and rubric carefully! I cannot stress this point enough. Students have historically lost points most commonly due to not following the instructions. The rubric is detailed for a reason. Here are some common mistakes:
Exceeding the four-page limit.
Not assigning appropriate weight to each section (see the last section of the evaluation criteria).
Missing basic APA formatting, such as page numbers, subheadings, in-text citations with a corresponding reference page, the use of contractions, not writing out numbers less than 10, and not defining acronyms/abbreviations first.
Not adequately describing how the chosen film relates to course material through specific examples.
Personal insight is included in section 2. Your opinion should ONLY be included in section 3. 
No proofreading. In particular, sentence fragments (i.e., incomplete sentences) are extremely common. Please ensure you proofread before submission.
Lack of paraphrasing; do not over-use direct quotes from the film – paraphrase relevant information to the best of your ability.
If you are unfamiliar with writing an APA-style paper, the Purdue Owl online resource is a great place to start (see above for link). The link below is of an APA sample paper. I highly encourage each of you to read through it to ensure that your paper aligns with the required format.
Of note: inclusive and bias-free language is now emphasized in APA 7th edition. This means that you should use singular “they” as the gender-neutral pronoun when possible. 
Submission Guidelines
You are required to submit your paper both on Canvas and in hard copy on or before the deadline. For the Canvas submission, you will submit your paper under Assignments. Once you select the corresponding assignment (Movie Written Assignment), please save and upload your file as a PDF to prevent formatting issues. E-mail submissions are not accepted.
This assignment is related to Course Learning Outcomes #1, 2, and 5: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Identify contemporary sociocultural issues pertaining to health and human movement (SLO 1)
Examine sociocultural issues using a critical perspective (SLO 4a)
Use oral and written skills to communicate effectively and persuasively (SLO 2a, 2b)

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