Is the role of modern media affecting the way Policing in criminal justice works

May 7, 2024

Is the role of modern media affecting the way Policing in criminal justice works? 
By using at least 10 peer-reviewed academic articles, provide the theoretical framework and literature review, in which you:
Discuss theories relevant to your research question/hypotheses. You should bring scholarly arguments (or theoretical framework) on how research variables are related to each other.
Summarize what is already known about the field. Include a summary of the basic background information on the topic gleaned from your literature review. Cite your references.
Discuss some major critical studies that have already been done in this area (cite according to APA style).
Point out why these background studies are insufficient. In other words, what question(s) do they leave unresolved that you would like to study?
Specify research question(s) you are pursuing in your research proposal

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