In Zoom class meetings we have noted two different views and explanations of The

May 4, 2024

Zoom class meetings we have noted two different views and explanations of The
Shoah/Holocaust often referred to as the “Intentionalist” view and
the “Functionalist” view.  Briefly describe and explain these
perspectives as noted in our Zoom meetings and recorded on the CANVAS site for
Political Science 4313/The Holocaust.  Refer to segments of at least one
of the films/videos listed below and two (2) of the materials listed below
which lend support to one or the other of these different perspectives or views.
The two or more materials you select should be in addition to a brief
description of Daniel Goldhagen’s intentionalist view as indicated in the
following paragraph. 
in your essay a brief description of Daniel Goldhagen’s intentionalist view as
explained in our Zoom meetings.  This
has been recorded. Goldhagen’s own explanation of his book can be viewed in one
of the videos listed here.  Briefly note the criticisms of Goldhagen’s
book and Goldhagen’s reply to his critics.  Conclude your essay with a
discussion and explanation of which of these two perspectives in your own view
is supported by or not supported by the materials you have looked at and
described in your essay. 

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