Introduction Write an essay (2-3 pages) responding to the following prompt.  Use

June 30, 2024

Write an essay (2-3 pages) responding to the following prompt.  Use sociological language, concepts, and framing as presented in your previous courses, as well as the readings for this unit. This essay will serve as one portion of your Final Core Assessment paper (due in unit 6). The objective of this assignment is to indicate how well you understand and can articulate the role of social infrastructure, as well as to show your abilities in designing and carrying out a sociological research project in scope, focus, and topic, including your skills of observation and analysis.
Research Brief
Based on your community engagement project, write an in-depth research proposal describing how you could conduct social scientific research on your topic of choice if you had the time and resources to do so. Consider how you would go about conducting valid and reliable research, and include the following sections:  (1) Introduction explaining the relevance of the topic and scope of research, (2) Research Question, identifying what the research seeks to answer,  (3) Research Method, including what methodology will be used, the justification for this method, how data will be collected,  who the subjects and sample would be and (4) Limitations that explain what the research will likely NOT be able to find and why.
Useful links: 
George Mason University: Drafting a Research Proposal

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