Introduction A good introduction is a clear statement of the problem or project

April 2, 2024

A good introduction is a clear statement of the problem or project and the reasons that you are studying it (purpose). This information should be contained in the first few sentences. Give a concise and appropriate background discussion of the terms, definitions, techniques, reactions (if appropriate) and relate these to other literature that addresses the experiment or very similar experiments.  Do not put meaningless words or paragraphs. 
In many journals and books, references are placed at the end of the article or chapter; in others, they are treated as footnotes. In any case, place your list of references at the end. The accuracy of the references is the author’s responsibility. If you copy citations from another source, check the original reference for accuracy and appropriate content.
Please use either the APA or MLA formats for referencing.  Whichever you choose, be consistant. 

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