Instructions: Your Journal Article Critique for Module 2 will encompass research

July 1, 2024

Your Journal Article Critique for Module 2 will encompass researching peer reviewed journal articles on the topic of Teacher Recruitment and Retention. You will select a peer reviewed journal article, published with the past 7 years. Your journal article critique will be a 1 to 1 1/2 typed double spaced pages in APA Seventh Edition format. Your journal article critique will consist of three paragraphs, a brief summary of the article, a reflection, and application.
Note: Scan and upload your journal article, journal article critique, and APA formatted student title page as one PDF document.  
A journal article critique template is provided for you that contains points of information that could be included in your journal article critique. You may select from the points provided. Do not include all the points in your journal article critique. 
Upload your journal article critique with APA Seventh Edition Student Title Page

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