Instructions This assignment provides the student the opportunity to explore the

July 5, 2024

This assignment provides the student the opportunity to explore the media’s misuse of statistics. Now that students have become familiar with the concepts of probability and some probability distributions (particularly the normal distribution), students should apply their theoretical background to find an example of either an individual or group of people misusing statistics to influence public opinion. Through this assignment, students will likely perceive occasional misuses of statistics throughout their educational and professional careers.
In this Discussion, each student is required to explore the media and find a use of statistics that is meant to influence the opinions of people. Explain what you believe the originator of the data is trying to show, and what other information may be missing that could present a more comprehensive and balanced viewpoint.
In this Discussion, each student is required to explore the media and find a use of statistics that is meant to influence the opinions of people. Use and clearly document a reference within the past 6 years. Your post (submittal) should be a minimum of 150 words.
Then, each student should comment on a thread done by a classmate. The replies should be a minimum of 50 words.
Finally, the student who presented the original thread should respond to one of the classmates commenting on the student’s post. This reply should be a minimum of 50 words.
• Length of assignment: minimum 250 words total
• Format of assignment: APA
• Number of citations: 1
• Acceptable sources: radio / newspaper / magazine / television / books / journals within the last six years

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