Instructions Logistics Systems before, during and post COVID Pandemic Period Ins

April 22, 2024

Logistics Systems before, during and post COVID Pandemic Period
You should select either an industry such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare or compare two companies within the same industry such as (KROGER vs PUBLIX) to evaluate its logistics system before, during and post pandemic period.
This is a group project report. While each group may 3 students, each member needs to upload one report (i.e., one-word document file) into this Dropbox.
Structure of Report
Title Page
Must contain the following information
-Title of the project
Names of all members
The Project Report should include but not limited to:
-Executive summary,
-Introduction /Business Background
-Literature review,
-Model/Methodology, and
Executive summary is self-contained concise summary of your whole report in less than 1 or 2 pages.
Introduction: Should explain what the COVID pandemic is and how COVID changes our logistics systems in relation to the industry or companies you have chosen. In particular, you need to identify important challenges and problems you try to solve.
Literature review means that you study how others have investigated the same topic and what they found. There are many published articles, and you may review some with a focus on the topic you try to address.
Methodology: based on the topic, you can choose one or two appropriate methods based on what you have learnt in this class or other business classes. It can be conceptual frameworks, mathematical models, secondary data, primary data etc.
Note: You must include financial analysis of data related to logistics as discussed in chapter 3 in your report.
Results/ conclusions are your findings.
For example, you may discover that the COVID-19 pandemic has travelled through our modern logistics systems at an unprecedented speed and scale. We have seen exponential growths of the COVID-19 outbreak in many regions, where their temporal and spatial diffusion patterns tend to follow mass transportation systems. The mass transportation of people makes any attempt to contain COVID extremely difficult and requires collaboration cross regions. The existing logistics systems are so fragmented that we have suffered a lot socially and economically, especially at the beginning. On the other hand, some companies have excelled because they have done the following. Some companies even benefit from huge disruptions. After COVID, the major shift in logistics systems now is that we do not focus on the cost only; rather, we pay more attention to time and reliability. And try to avoid long transportation time and avoid political risk.
Type your report with a double-space format and use the APA style. You may check following websites for further details about APA style:

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