Instructions Hello, My original goals and strategies assignment is below.  This

July 5, 2024

My original goals and strategies assignment is below.  This assignment should connect to the one below.  Thanks!
Write a 2-3 page implementation plan to procure resources such as textbooks, activities, and other materials. Keep in mind, this is a plan or process to procure resources. This paper should include possible barriers, a timeline, and guesstimate for the cost for the successful implementation of the goals and strategies. This plan should include professional development for teachers, staff, and administration.  (20 Points)
DeFour emphasizes remaining neutral as a difficult task for any administrator. As you work on this project, remember that it requires technical writing that is objective. It is not an opinion paper so the intent is to be fair and represent the group based on evidence provided by student data along with other information gathered from professional sources.

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