Instructions For this case study, you will imagine that you are an engineer for

May 20, 2024

For this case study, you will imagine that you are an engineer for a company that is developing self-driving technology for automobiles. Your technology will allow a vehicle to be driven without a driver under ordinary conditions. The vehicle will stay in its lane, keep a safe distance to other vehicles, stop at red lights and stop signs, and will not exceed posted speed limits.
However, as you know, everyday driving, especially in congested urban areas, is rarely ordinary. Delivery vehicles frequently double-park and block off lanes, people driving motorized scooters and e-bikes routinely ignore stoplights, and pedestrians frequently cross the street without paying attention. To be safe and effective, your technology must be able to deal with all of these nonroutine driving tasks.
Imagine this scenario. A vehicle using your self-driving technology is proceeding down a street in a large city late at night. It is carrying three passengers in the back seat. The vehicle is going at a speed of 25 miles per hour, which is the posted speed limit in this area. The vehicle approaches an intersection and the light is green. Suddenly, someone runs directly in front of the vehicle. It is too late to stop.
Your self-driving technology must make a choice.
Swerve right. If this choice is taken, the vehicle will smash into a parked car, avoiding the pedestrian, but damaging two vehicles and possibly injuring the vehicle’s occupants.
Swerve left. If this choice is taken, the vehicle will move into oncoming traffic from the other side of the road, avoiding the pedestrian but possibly causing a head-on collision with another vehicle. 
Continue straight. Your vehicle will apply the brakes but will not stop in time to avoid hitting the pedestrian. The pedestrian will be injured, perhaps fatally.
In your response to this case study, answer the following questions.
Which choice would your technology make and why?
What ethical considerations are most important in this situation?
As the designer of this self-driving technology, is your sole ethical responsibility to the occupants of the vehicles that use it? Why or why not?
What if there was only one person in the self-driving vehicle, and there were three pedestrians? Would this change the decision your technology would make? Why or why not?
Assignment Requirements
Length: Between 400–600 words
Format: Use the current edition of APA style, including a cover page.
Research: Do not use external sources.
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Week 3: Case Study Grading Rubric (1)
Week 3: Case Study Grading Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting
Title page is formatted in APA style, with title in bold, student name, name of the university, name and number of the class, professor’s name, and date of submission.
15 to >0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponses
Responses to each question are thoughtful, thorough, and complete. The assignment meets the length requirement.
50 to >0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEthical Awareness
The response shows ethical awareness. The writer incorporates ethical concepts discussed up to this point in the course.
25 to >0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
25 pts
Total Points: 90

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