Instructions Class, For your final assignment in MGMT410, you are to conduct a c

May 13, 2024

For your final assignment in MGMT410, you are to conduct a case study analysis, using one of the 10 case studies in the attached document.  The case studies are available via the Locker inside the classroom. These include:
Apple Inc.
The Boston Beer Company
Campbell Soup
Ford Motor Company
Johnson & Johnson
JetBlue Airways
Case Studies Resource: Dess, G. G., Eisner, A. B. & McNamara, G. (2020). Strategic management text and cases, (10th Ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
You may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class.  This is plagiarism, a violation of AMU’s policies on Academic Dishonesty outlined in the AMU Student Handbook.
Read the case study and answer the following three questions/statements in your paper:
Assess the effectiveness of your company’s leadership.
Discuss the basis of your company’s competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.
What growth strategies might your company pursue?
REFERENCES: You are to support your ideas, arguments and opinions with independent research utilizing at least three (3) supporting references or sources (No Wikipedia or Investopedia).
NOTE: Only one of your references may be a webpage and NO unknown, or anonymous sources. Failure to follow these instructions will result in points deducted from your overall grade. 
You are to format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:
A Title Page (No running head)
Author name
Institution affiliation
Course number/name
Instructor name
Due date
Page number (top right header)
An Abstract with no more than 250 words
A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content: Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins, left justified, double space and 
A Reference page
Your Title page, Abstract, and Reference pages do not count towards the 3 full pages of content
NOTE: While this is a management course, it is expected you will adhere to academic standards of writing which include spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

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