Instructions: 1. Research and prepare a presentation script on the work of one c

May 16, 2024

1. Research and prepare a presentation script on the work of one contemporary artist (or
artist collective) from a country of my choice that we haven’t covered yet (Indonesia).
2.  1000-word max “script”
3. The presentation script must present the work(s) of a creative artist from Indonesia and
how his/her/their work reflects on any/all of the forces of climate change, globalization, 
migration, colonialism, etc. as experienced in the part of the world. How do any/all of 
these external pressures manifest in their work? Further does the artist’s work also 
address internal pressures on their culture? If so, which ones & where do you see those 
addressed in the work?
4. The presentation must cite at least 3 relevant scholarly sources, directly quoted. 
5. Cite the sources using Chicago Style footnotes or endnotes  in the script.
6. You’ll find the details of the instructions in the attachment

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