Instructions: You will identify an ethical problem in your field of work or stud

June 12, 2024

Instructions: You will
identify an ethical problem in your field of work or study, perform research and compose an informative and persuasive research paper
stating the problem along with your viewpoints on the issue.
***I am addressing disclosing medical information to a child when their parents request you not to. My
position is to tell a pediatric patient their diagnosis. Telling a
pediatric patient their diagnosis will lead to optimal care because now
the patient will know how to better take care of themselves, and what
needs to be done for their health to improve. The opposing side is that
the parent or guardian has the choice, and maybe they are making that
choice to keep their child from getting depressed. But the patient has
the right to know what is going on with their body. If children are not
able to make a medical decision, they should at least be able to know
what their diagnosis is.  ***
I have attached my outline with references. If you decide to switch things up that is fine just please use one of the references I listed. Also, keep the same position on telling the pediatric patient their diagnosis.

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