Instructions. You will first watch the CBS News Special about Ronald Cotton (see

May 24, 2024

Instructions. You will first watch the CBS News Special about Ronald Cotton (see Module 2
videos). After watching this, you will be asked to review the provided case materials and draft a
statement to the legal team stating your position on whether this identification is reliable or not and why you have come to that conclusion. 
In your statement, you will:
• Introduce your position (i.e., is the identification reliable?) (Note. This will be a short
introductory paragraph)
• Provide two facts that support your position (using course content, provided case
materials, and related research) (Note. This will be the bulk of your statement)
• Based on your reading from the National Research Council (2014), which
recommendation do you think would have made the strongest difference in the Ronald
Cotton case? Explain your reasoning.
• Provide a conclusion that summarizes your position and key points (Note. This will be a
brief closing summary paragraph) 
Your assignment should be about 3-4 pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, size 12 font.
You can use subheadings. Full sentences and paragraphs must be used, bullet form is not
acceptable. The online system does not handle documents created in the Pages program, so please
only submit documents as a .doc or docx file (pdf is also fine). 

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