Instructions: What types of tort cases can be brought when someone is injured by

April 8, 2024

Instructions: What types of tort cases can be brought when someone is injured by an autonomous [“self-driving”] vehicle?  Who may be sued?  
Which of these lawsuits would be most successful?  Why?
Please give reasons, support and justification for each of your answers.  
*Be sure to fully answer all questions in this assignment.*
I require you to use, and to properly cite, at least three different research sources in this assignment.  These research sources may include newspaper articles, periodicals, journal articles, scholarly articles, books, documentaries, etc. Submit to turnit.
My possible answers to the question would be negligence upon the conducter who needs to understand the technology/responsibility/danger of the roads, misrepresentation/misleading advertising towards the complany, breach of implied warranty.
Possible citations :
helpful textbook/class based: Tort Law for Paralegals: Guay III, George, Cummins, robert
possible reference/examples: 

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