Instructions: Throughout this course, you have been viewing various forms of med

April 4, 2024

Instructions: Throughout this course, you have been viewing various forms of media and discussing how gender is portrayed. Find an image from popular media (magazines, websites, social media, etc…) and analyze it. (NOTE: the image must be a product of a company or public figure). For both your paper and your presentation, you need to: 
Describe the image. 
Engage with whether the image highlights inequality. And tell me why or why not. 
Explain what this image represents regarding specific terms and theories you have learned throughout the class. For example, through our class discussion and by reading Chapter 10, you may use the heterosexual male gaze and how it creates sexual objectification. 
Also, please use the notes I provided down. Use as many terms as possible for this assignment. Send me the link to the image as well onc you find it so I can print it. No plagarism. Please use notes and knowledge for this assignment. 

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