Instructions on the One-Page Summary of the Final Paper: First paragraph: • Site

April 25, 2024

Instructions on the One-Page Summary of the Final Paper:
First paragraph:
• Site 2-3 experiences that you went through in your childhood that have impacted your identity in the
past, either in a negative or positive way.
• List at least 5 terms and 2 theorists that you will include in your paper and as they relate to this section. 
Second paragraph:
• Site 2-3 experiences that you went through in your present life have impacted your identity in
the present time (in the last 1-3 years)
• List at least 5 terms and at least one theorist that you will include in your paper and as they relate to this section. 
Third paragraph:
• What’s your vision of your future identity? What aspects of your identity that you would like to change? How would you go about doing that?
• List at least 5 techniques from the book that you will use to improve your sense of self.

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