Instructions for assessment A.   Formative assessment The formative assessment

May 2, 2024

Instructions for
A.   Formative assessment
The formative assessment for this module takes the
form of a group-based poster. You will be asked to conduct an analysis of a
global brand with respect to its brand inventory, which includes an analysis of
the brand’s global branding strategy, brand positioning, and brand elements. In
this analysis you need to consider the country where the brand was originally
developed plus one additional country where the brand is present.
The brand will be provided to you by the
Module Convener and all students will analyse the same brand. You will need to
include your analysis in an A3 poster of maximum 500 words and submit it
via Turnitin.
Through your formative assessment, you will
have a unique opportunity to test your understanding of concepts that are part
of your summative assessment.
Note however that we will not provide any
written or marks indicative feedback on drafts for summative assessment at any
time. Should you perceive any formative feedback such way, then please note
that it is not binding for your marking. Markers can also always change, and
you have no entitlement to be marked by the Module Convener or tutors.
B.   Summative assessment
summative assessment for this module consists in an individual business report,
a brand audit, on a self-selected brand. You will have to choose a well-known
global brand for your assessment. This brand can be of any type (luxury, mass
market, online, etc.) and from any product category (food and beverage,
consumer electronics, fashion, jewellery, etc.), however you will not be
allowed to use the same brand as the one provided for the formative assessment.
In the brand audit, you are expected to conduct a comprehensive examination of
your brand and, based on this analysis, elaborate global managerial
recommendations on how to develop your brand in the long-term. Your analysis
will be based entirely on information from public secondary sources and/or
primary data (if necessary), company websites, as well as your own personal or
professional experiences and insights.
word limit for this assessment is 3,500 words including tables and
figures but excluding references. 

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