Instructions for Initial Post: Carefully read the lecture notes on common ways t

July 2, 2024

Instructions for Initial Post: Carefully read the lecture notes on common ways to organize arguments and the assigned articles by Tufekci Zeynep and Alex Miller. When reading the essays, pay particular attention to how the writers organize their arguments.
After you are finished, write two or three paragraphs that respond to all the below questions:
Which organizational model does each article seem to follow most closely (classical or Rogerian)? What leads you to think this? (Remember that writers often use variations of these organizational models, so an essay might not follow it exactly).
As explained in the lecture notes, these argumentative models have slightly different goals. Classical arguments usually aim to prove that the opposition is wrong, and Rogerian arguments usually aim to convince the opposition of a position by building consensus. What seems to be the goal of each essay? In other words, is the writer trying to show that a certain position is completely wrong, or is the writer finding some type of common ground with those who oppose him or her? What leads you to think this?
Your post should be at least 200 words and is due Thursday, July 4.

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