Instructions: A general introduction to the text, including basic information ab

May 6, 2024

Instructions: A general introduction to the text, including basic information about its sources, content, historical context, and relevant images. How was St. Matthew “disabled” ? 
1. General Introduction to the Text: (This an outline)
Saint Matthew (one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ) holds a significant place in Christian tradition and hagiography. His life and contributions are primarily documented in the New Testament Gospel attributed to him. (Matthew is one of the 4 gospels)  The “Introduction” to the Golden Legend, a medieval compilation of saints’ lives by Jacobus de Voragine, will provide a foundational text from which to explore the narrative surrounding Saint Matthew.
New Testament Gospel of Matthew: This will be the primary source for Saint Matthew’s life and teachings.
Golden Legend: Jacobus de Voragine’s compilation, written in the 13th century is a significant medieval source for “hagiographica”l narratives.
Book Title: Medieval Disability Sourcebook 
The life of Saint Matthew typically recounts his conversion from a tax collector to a disciple of Jesus. his role as one of the apostles and his eventual martyr. His book often emphasizes themes of repentance and the transformative power of faith.
Historical Context:
Medieval interpretations of Saint Matthew’s life were shaped by theological, cultural, and socio-political factors prevalent during that period. This would include the church’s influence on literature and the arts as well that  played a crucial role in disseminating hagiographical narratives to the masses.
Relevant Images (that might help):
Medieval manuscripts, illuminated manuscripts, and religious artworks often depict scenes from Saint Matthew’s life, including his call by Jesus, his evangelization efforts, and his martyrdom.

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