In your reflections, I would like you to consider not only your thoughts and emo

April 28, 2024

In your reflections, I would like you to consider not only your thoughts and emotional responses to course material, but also your physical responses to course materials. For example, during readings or class discussions what were the sensations in your body? How did those sensations inform how you felt about the content? Did your heart race? Did that let you know you were excited? you can make it as creative as possibl. you may include poetry, art, and visual media in your journal. 
3-5 page minimum
Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1 inch margins
If you include images in your written journal, make sure you still reach the written 3-5 page minimum
If you include music, art, poetry, literature, graphics or photos, you must explain their significance and reflect on why you chose them and how they relate to this course so far. 
For your final reflection paper, please answer the following questions: 
1. Which topic(s) in class impacted you the most? Why?
2. How will you take what you’ve learned in this class and use it in your everyday life outside the classroom? 
3. Where have you found pleasure and/or joy this semester?
4. What was your favorite part of class this semester?
Here are some topics/articles/videos discussed that you can use you do not have to use them all:

Access Intimacy: The Missing Link

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