In your paper, you will first describe both events.  For example: When and where

May 16, 2024

In your paper, you will first describe both events.  For example:
When and where did it take place? 
Who was the intended audience? 
How did they respond? 
What were they doing to participate? 
Who was putting on the event? 
How could you tell? 
Where there any staff or volunteers responsible for the event? 
What were they doing? 
What was the intended outcome of the event? 
Were the cultural producers successful? 
Why or why not? 
What were you doing during the event? 
Did you participate? 
After describing the event, use your tools of critical analysis to contextualize the cultural event.  These questions may help you in this section:
Do you feel the cultural event was/is significant to the Chicanx/Latinx community? 
Why or why not? 
How do you know? 
What are some concepts from class that might help us better understand the significance of both cultural events that you attended?

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