Phases and Classification of Matter – We have defined the main types of matter and phases in class but there are new developments all the time.
In what condition/situation would a substance with properties of multiple phases be beneficial? Why? (ScienceNews) (Nield)
At some conditions a substance may be in two phases (or even 3 phases) at the same time. When would this be beneficial or useful? Why? (University of Edinburgh)
We only discussed 3 phases of matter. There are technically ‘four’ or ‘five’ depending on recent literature. Discuss how these are different from what we discussed and what importance they may have. (Galey)
I have provided the sources for this assignment
Nield, D. “” Science Alert, Accessed 26 May 2022.
University of Edinburgh. “New state of matter: Elements can be solid and liquid at same time.” ScienceDaily, 8 April 2019, Accessed 26 May 2022.
Galey, Patrick. “Quantum ‘fifth state of matter’ observed in space for first time.”, 11 June 2020, Accessed 26 May 2022.
In what condition/situation would a substance with properties of multiple phases be beneficial?
May 28, 2022