In this paper, think about the applicational aspects of OB examined from week 6

June 30, 2024

In this paper, think about the applicational aspects of OB examined from week 6 (Group Behavior) to week 8 (Power and Political Skill) and how your understanding of the aspects of organizations and individuals can improve management practice. Focus on the three specific topics or activities we discussed that resonated with you the most. These are all important topics but I want to know what is important or relevant to you. Keep in mind the purpose is for you to reflect and synthesize the material, discussions, and activities that you have been exposed to over the past few weeks. 
As with the previous papers, the paper should have a minimum of 1000 words. Please make sure you support your positions with a minimum of two external sources and use proper in-text citations and references that follow APA 7th edition style. Additionally, make sure the paper is written in a narrative essay format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should provide a general introduction to the paper, the topics being discussed, and some background and contextual information sufficient to set the tone and framework of the paper.  

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