In this module, we have discussed a few different ways to approach a comparison

July 5, 2024

In this module, we have discussed a few different ways to approach a comparison essay. For example, you can write an evaluation arguing that one subject is better. Or you can write an analogy comparing something familiar with something unfamiliar to help the reader better understand it. Lastly, you can compare two subjects to explore an exciting perspective or opinion. Ultimately, there is more than one way to write a comparison. For example, you might write about Traditional vs. Modern Marriage Customs: Compare and contrast the rituals and expectations of traditional arranged marriages with modern love-based marriages in different cultures.  You can maybe talk about how my persian food compared to American food.    
Write a comparison essay about two subjects of your choice related to culture or community. (600 words minimum; Final Draft must be 750 words minimum).
There must be a basis for comparison.
You must also have three easy-to-identify points of comparison.
Organize essays using the point-by-point or subject-by-subject structural method. Choose one way; do not combine both.
Your essay should have all the components of a formal essay: an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs, a conclusion, transitions, and a strong thesis statement.

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