In this essay, the objective is to put together everything you have learned in c

April 24, 2024

In this essay, the objective is to put together everything you have learned in class, show that you understand things deeply, can critically think, collect information and evidence from sources on the web including newspaper, magazine, or scholarly articles, analyze them, synthesize them, and come up with prescriptions of your own.
Task: Write a guideline document for ethical AI. This document should provide guidance to Data Science and AI practitioners, general users of AI, businesses (a) building and (b) using AI, and regulatory agencies and governments. Good writing means you may organize your guideline based on these different audiences and provide a writeup with sections and subsections about each of them.
Suggestion: Write down your thoughts about what should be in a guideline for each of these stakeholders. Then, research online to find guidelines that already exist. You are free to use ideas from them but for full credit and a good grade your guideline must demonstrate that you understand (a) why you are suggesting what you are suggesting, (b) what does it really mean in your own words, and (c) how should it be implemented, i.e., what must people do or not do for it to be realized.
Partial Rubrics, Hints, & Comments:
1. I understand that you have nine days to write the guideline. I expect it to be different from guidelines out there that were developed by professionals taking months. But, you have those guidelines at hand. So, the ability to quickly skim it to find interesting and imporant points and write it in your own words will be important.
2. I want to reward people who take pride about the quality of their work, care about the course and its content. Thus, while grading, I will reward people who connect it to discussions we had in the class. Also, inevitably for a work of this nature, the more amount of time you spend collecting information, collating it, analyzing it, and revising your writeup, the better the writeup will be. Again, this is designed to reward people for their scholarly effort.
I believe people who attended class and the discussions should be able to write down a bunch of things off the top of your head and then work on expanding and polishing them. But, after you write down your ideas, you need to find supporting evidence or existing guidelines on that topic, etc.
3. There are no page limits. Write however much or however little as you want. The key will be the quality and comprehensiveness of the report; again I am fully cognizant of the fact that it will be done in less than nine days. 
4. For each item/topic/issue in your guideline create a subsection. Give it a title that makes the reader understand what the subsection is about. Make sure each subsection has a paragraph (perhaps a subsection, can be a very short paragraph if you can say what you want to say tersely) each on a) why this guideline is needed/important, i.e., the motivation, b) an example scenario where this item is important, c) explain in your own words professionally what you are proposing and what it means, and d) what should people do or not do to implement that guideline or what they should keep in mind while implementing it.
5. Given that you have a bit more than a week, you should write things that you think are the most important issues first, and then keep adding. It is important to write parts or sections carefully and edit them. It is better to have a well-written article that covers things well than a very high level article talking about general things that everyone knows and not going into examples and stories or cases or any discussion of the pros and cons. If you run out of time, create a Future Work section and list issues that should be tackled in the future.
My objective is to see what a student knows, how deeply you know it, how carefully you argue things and how convincingly, how well you write, etc. So, this is a partial set of rubrics. 
please read syllabus articles and collect information and evidence from sources on the web including newspaper, magazine, or scholarly articles, analyze them, synthesize them, and come up with prescriptions of your own. Write a guideline document for ethical AI. pages and reference is not limit, but content is king, not the length.
Format: 12 point font, single-spaced, Times New Roman, Margin 1 in. on all sides. Two column.

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