In “Imitation and Gender Insubordination,” Judith Butler argues that gender does

May 10, 2024

In “Imitation and Gender Insubordination,” Judith Butler argues that gender does the same thing. Doing femininity is what makes feminine gender exist. We perform gender, but it also comes into existence at the moment we do it.
Do you agree? Can you choose your gender? Is it all choice, only some, or not a choice to you at all? Does Butler’s theory of gender as performative explain how gender works in “Paris is Burning?” Does Butler leave things out she should have in her theory? 
Is it possible to talk about gender without also talking about class or race at the same time? Are there kinds of white femininity that are different from Black femininities? Latina femininities? Asian femininities? Jewish femininities? Muslim femininities? Native American femininities? South Asian femininities? Are there higher and lower class versions of these? Does “Paris is Burning” suggest there is a range of femininities?
What about masculinities?  
Discussion Post: PERFORMING GENDER(S)– You can do this either individually or in a group–just make sure you use Judith Butler, Paris is Burning, or both to talk about what you are doing. After you have considered the questions above, write a post about gender and performativity.
1. You can dress as a gender that is different from the one you think you have, then describe what you did and why. What is your “opposite” gender, or what is “another” gender, one different from yours? What is your “real” or “natural” gender? Do you ever play around with gender? Describe this in your post, and talk about how other people reacted to you. Remember to connect it to Paris is Burning or Judith Butler.
2. As part of this, you can make a video, post it to You Tube, and post the link. Make sure it is semi-private unless you want the whole world to see it. Be sure to talk about it in your post, though. You can also take a gender photo and put it on Instagram, then describe it your post. You can also do these things with another person. Talk about comments if you get them. Be sure to relate it to Butler, Paris is Burning, or both, and talk about reactions.
3. You can interview people, alone or in a group, about their gender. You can write about this, summarize their reactions, film them talking (with their permission), take pictures, etc. Just make sure you use Judith Butler, Paris is Burning, or both to talk about what you are doing. If you decide to film people and post it to a site, make sure you have their permission, and keep it as private as possible–use a private or semi-private link on you tube, for example.

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