In an essay of 1,200-1,500 words, review the contemporary research on eyewitness

July 5, 2024

In an essay of 1,200-1,500 words, review the contemporary research on eyewitness identification.
Locate a minimum of three peer-reviewed research study articles written in the last 10 years to support your discussion.
Choose at least one peer-reviewed research study to support each of the three areas of discussion (fallibility of memory, suggestive questioning, and suggestive line-ups).
Discuss the role of the forensic psychologist in all three areas:
fallibility of memory
suggestive questioning
suggestive line-ups
Discuss what the current psychological research says about:
fallibility of memory in eyewitness identification
the impact of suggestive questioning on eyewitness memory recall
suggestive line-up procedures in forensic settings
Discuss the specific research study findings from each of the three peer-reviewed articles.
Discuss suggestions for future research on fallibility of memory, suggestive questioning, and suggestive line-ups.
Discuss suggestions to increase the reliability of eyewitness identification.

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