In an  essay, compare and contrast the political regimes of Iran and Turkiye  Qu

May 7, 2024

In an  essay, compare and contrast the political regimes of Iran and Turkiye 
Questions to consider in your paper:
How does the history of each country contribute to their existing political system?
What role do demographics and geography play in each country?
What is the actual structure of the government like (parliamentary democracy, authoritarianism, theocracy, etc.)? Does the existing system work for the country? Between the two countries, which system seems better, and why?
What challenges does each country face? Consider economic issues, social issues, foreign policy, etc.
I need osme deep dives in some of the specific points
Remember, your primary task is to compare the two countries. So you should be evaluating both within the same paragraph (in other words, don’t dedicate the first half of your paper to one country and the second half to the other…you should be analyzing both systems throughout your whole essay). 
You will need to do external research to complete this paper.  I don’t want to see Wikipedia,, or Encyclopedia Britannica listed as a source in your bibliography…
Use Chicago-style citations (footnotes & bibliography). As always, you need to cite any ideas that are not explicitly your own, including quotes, statistics, and paraphrased material. You may not use artificial intelligence for any component of this assignment, including but not limited to brainstorming, writing, and editing. This is an individual assignment, meaning that you may not work with any other students (the exception being Writing Center Fellows). You are highly encouraged to utilize the Writing Center. 
An A paper will effectively compare and contrast the two countries, analyzing the successes and challenges of each and anchoring the comparison around a central, guiding argument (thesis). 
Do introduce every quote. 
● Do follow proper Chicago style citation. 
● Do ask questions if you aren’t sure whether you are formatting something correctly. 
● Do analyze every piece of evidence (Ask yourself: What does this evidence demonstrate
about my overall argument?). 
● Do use specific language . 
● Do have a short introduction and a short conclusion (For a 2-5 page paper, a 2-4 sentence
intro and 2-4 sentence conclusion is fine!). 
● Do assume your reader is dumb, or at least unfamiliar with the topic about which you are
writing. Provide clear and specific context for assertions, quotes, and commentary.
● Do use footnotes for all evidence (quotes, paraphrased material, statistics, etc.),
● Do put footnotes at the end of a sentence.
● Do include page numbers. 
● Do include a snazzy title. 
● Do capitalize major words in said title. 
● Do follow word count minimums 
● Do be clear, concise, and specific. 
● Do read your essay out loud! This will help you identify grammatical errors and awkward
● Do go to the Writing Center! You can only benefit! 
● Do spell Ms. Schoenberger’s name correctly. It is on Canvas. And the assignment page. And
the course document. And my emails to you. And the Mercersburg website. There is literally
no excuse for not spelling it correctly, except laziness. 
● Do capitalize proper nouns.
● Don’t start your paper with a quote,
dictionary definition, or question. Ms.
Schoenberger will automatically throw
it into a fire. 
● Don’t use sentence fragments 
● Don’t use semicolons (unless you
actually know how to use them
● Don’t summarize too much. 
● Don’t capitalize regular nouns. 
● Don’t use first person language. 

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