In about 1 1/2-2 pages  ( 3 paragraphs or more) typed, double spaced, 1 inch mar

May 5, 2024

In about 1 1/2-2 pages  ( 3 paragraphs or more) typed, double spaced, 1 inch margins.
Part 1) Using the media Bias Chart, identify a news source you use regularly ( if not regularly, one you are familiar with).  Where does it fall on the scale of fact based, opinion, not reliable,or  false information (the vertical axis) and where does it fall on the left to right spectrum ( horizontal axis)? What do you think about this?  Are you surprised about where this source falls on the media Bias Chart? ( one paragraph)
Part 2) Next, find a major story on that site.  Now choose a different new source, one that is to the left or right of your original source.  Locate a story on the SAME topic.  How do they compare? The headlines?  The tone of the Story?  Do you notice any differences?  Length of story, sources quoted.  Do the different sources FRAME the story differently? ( 1-2 paragraphs)
Conclusion– overall reflection on the sources and what you learned (1 paragraph)
BE SURE TO CHOOSE A STORY RELEVANT TO AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS!  Something about the election, Climate Change or another POLICY issue, Coverage of Trump’s trials ( his first criminal trial in NYC just started).  Anything is fine as long as it is related to government, politics or policy.
Also be sure to choose a source that generally covers NEWS.  For example DO NOT choose a site like TMZ which usually covers CELEBRITY new and occasionally has a “hard” news story.

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