IMPORTANT** Speech needs to be written in outline form i will attach the templat

June 23, 2024

Speech needs to be written in outline form i will attach the template all that is needed is to complete the instructions below and to complete the speech in the templaate that is provided must have sources that are verbally cited.
choose one of the templates attached and you can choose the topic as stated speech is just needed in the outline template format  and must have 1 logos pathos and ethos used in speech  ***
Choose your topic. The following topics are not allowed: Abortion, Drunk Driving, Smoking. Speeches must be persuasive. Be sure to review the guidelines & requirements for the speech posted under Course Resources.
Duplicate topics are not allowed. First come, first-served (forum posting)on topic choice. Ex. Cancer is a broad topic. Annual Cancer Screenings for Men & Women is a narrowed topic.
1. List your topic
ex. Drink more water
2. List your General Speaking Purpose (pg. 60 & 61)
ex. Persuasive
3. List your Persuasive purpose (pg. 141)
ex. To motivate to action
4. List your Proposition (pg. 141 & 142): Desired persuasive effect you want to have on audience.
ex. Convince audience that it is important to drink more water
5. List your Thesis Statement- subject matter  (pg. 154/155, sample outline, ex. thesis begins with “Today”)
ex. I want you to commit, starting now, to drink more water daily… (note that this is both the subject – spay/neuter- & the proposition (to commit to doing so).
6. List your Preview of Points (pg. 155, sample outline, ex. Preview of Points is last sentence, first paragraph, begins with “because…”
ex. because it provides mental, physical and emotional benefits.

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