I’m going to provide the research topic, research question, research theory, ope

May 7, 2024

I’m going to provide the research topic, research question, research theory, operationalization of X and Y, scope, partial literature review, and bibliography, and I need you to write the final research paper, which must follow the following structure: (It is vital that the paper be completed following this format)
Section 1: Introduction that incorporates your research topic and question
Section 2: Literature review that conforms to the parameters provided for the draft literature review
Section 3: Discussion of your theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses)
Section 4: Discussion of your data and methods, including the operationalization of your main independent and dependent control variables and all other parameters required for the draft data and methods section
Section 5: Conclusion discussing how this study would contribute to the literature.
Additionally, I need a draft of the data and methods section to be sent in advance, that answers the following instructions:
Please provide an outline or draft of your data and methods section. In particular, your draft should detail how you are structuring your research and answer the following questions:
What is your unit of observation?
What are your data?
Are your data cross-sectional, time-series, or both?
Where are you getting your data?
Is your study a large-N quantitative study? A case study? 
What is the scope of your data? 
What statistical methods (if any) are you using to test your hypothesis?
Do your data and methods present any issues of reliability or validity? 
Your draft data and methods section will be evaluated on whether: 
Included a sensible unit of observation, whether you included a description of your data (as indicated above),
Your data allows you perform the analysis you describe in the draft,
Your description of data is sufficiently clear in terms of scope (i.e., spatial and temporal units),
You have clearly operationalized your independent and dependent variables;
You have included control variables in your statistical analysis (or otherwise accounted for relevant controls),
You have included a discussion of how you would collect your data,
You have included an explanation of the statistical methods you would use to perform your analysis (if any); and 
You discuss the reliability and validity of your data and methods

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