Identify a recent (published in the past 3 years) news article (in print or onli

May 11, 2024

Identify a recent (published in the past 3 years) news article (in print or online) that discusses a biological topic we have covered in class, where that topic is related to a public health problem. This article does NOT need to be peer-reviewed. You must make sure that your article focuses on the biological aspect of the topic. For example, if you are interested in the public health problem of antibiotic resistance, you need to identify an article that discusses the biology of antibiotic resistance, e.g.gene mutation.
Purpose of Assignment:
This assignment addresses Information Literacy and Public Health Communication. Specifically, this assignment requires you to locate, use, evaluate, and synthesize information related to an appropriate news article. You must be able to identify the article as focusing on the biological aspect of a topic we have discussed in class. You are then asked to broaden your perspective and think about this problem from the public health perspective. Finally, you are asked to evaluate and synthesizeinformation you have learned to address the intersection between biologic, personal and environmental factors on this problem.  
Team Option: Each student may determine if they would like to work on the assignment as a team of TWO (no more) OR individually. If you choose to work as a team, you must identify your own partner. EACH TEAM MEMBER MUST TURN IN THE PAPER INDIVIDUALLY AND BOTH COPIES MUST CONTAIN BOTH TEAM MEMBER’S NAMES. IF YOU DO NOT TURN IN A PAPER YOU WILL RECEIVE A GRADE OF “0”. BOTH TEAM MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE THE SAME GRADE.  
Students will write a 3–4-page assignment which addresses the following questions:
1. What biologic topic does the article focus on? How does this relate to a topic we have covered in class?
2. What is the article about?  Summarize the article.
3. How does the topic discussed in the article relate to a public health problem?
4. Discuss this public health problem in terms of:
a. The scope of the problem: How big is the problem in either the U.S. or globally (or both)? Make sure to include statistics to support your answer.
b. Who is affected by this problem: What populations of people are most affected? Are there specific demographic groups that are more affected than others?  
c. What is currently being done to address the problem: What public health measures have been put in place to help mitigate the issue?
5. Throughout the semester, we have discussed how biology intersects with personal and environmental factors to impact health and disease. Synthesize information you obtained on your topic and identify:
a. At least two personal factors that impact the public health problem you have identified.
b. At least two environmental factors that impact the public health problem you have identified.
c. How might each of these factors influence the public health problem? Be sure to discuss whether each of the factors will have either a positive or negative impact on the problem you have identified.  
Formatting & References:
Your paper is to be 3 – 4 pages in length and follow the APA style of formatting. This includes double-spacing, Times New Roman 12-point font, 1-inch margins on all sides, title page and running header. Use Level 1 Headers to indicate which question you are answering, i.e., Question 1, Question 2, etc. If you are new to APA, check out this Beginner’s Guide (  
You must provide a reference for the article you have identified, as well as AT LEAST two additional peer-reviewed references to answer the questions. Use APA formatting for your references, including in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper on a separate page. Your title and references pages do not
count toward your 3-page minimum. If you do not have AT LEAST 3-pages, points will be deducted.

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